Prime Numbers
Friday, 20 February 2015
Collatz - restated without the halving.
Here's the way of reformulating Collatz chains that I have been using. This gives us a way to express the conditions for 1) the existenc...
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
An attempted proof that there are no Collatz loops higher than 1, 4, 2
I think I've spotted the flaw in this, but will leave it up below for now. To explain very briefly, I find two different ways to appr...
Monday, 20 October 2014
Level n numbers tend to 1 in 2(3^n)/3 of the outputs produced by the 'pqr function'
An attempt at a geometrical proof that the proportion of level n Collatz numbers in a very large region tends to 1 in 2(3^n)/3 of the ou...
Thursday, 24 October 2013
A binary representation of the Collatz conjecture part 2
We can make several probabilistic observations from this method. And also there are a few things that we can note about the way the pat...
A binary representation of the Collatz conjecture
Here is a restatement of the Collatz conjecture expressed in binary numbers. It is a compression and extension of recent posts on this ...
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